Parenting Tips for Dealing with Whiny Child

At the Childhood, it is normal for children to express their feelings, such as feeling angry, happy, shy, or sad. However, it is important to children to learn to express feelings appropriately. As a parent, you need to know how to teach the child to control his emotions. It will help the child to ease the overwhelming emotions that children do not grow up to be adults with personality spoiled, whiny, or even rude. Children who are too sensitive it responds to anger, sad, disappointed and embarrassed by crying.
Here are four ways to educate children with feelings that are too sensitive:
1. The crying child is not an error
Never assume a child's crying is a mistake. Some children are more sensitive often express their feelings by crying. The crying child was not a mistake. You have to deal with it calmly. When your child cries, don’t scold and forces him to be quiet. Some parents may feel embarrassed if their child crying, shouting in public's area and become attention on many peoples. If it happens, no need to panic and scold your child. All you need is taking him to a safer place. Take him to calm down. Ask him gently the things that caused him crying. When asking your child, avoid harsh words was pitched to threaten such as only pretending to leaves him on that place if he did not stop crying. Threats will only add new problems. You will only put yourself as the party of power arbitrarily. It can lower his self-esteem. Another impact on a threat is the child to be obedient out of fear. Yet subservience that is based on fear, will allow him to repeat it.
2. Make your child feels safe
Excessive fear shows children that are too sensitive feelings. They need to be given space to get accustomed to a new activity or condition what may be made anxious or frightened. Give them time to get used to his new environment.
Children need to feel safe. He needs parents to support him. This will help them to be more confident and recognize the power within him to fight anxiety and faced his fear.
Scaring children is not recommended. This method is usually performed parents to stop the crying child. When they did not obey, parents scare them, "It's late, go to bed! If you do not sleep, there will be a ghost. "
Scaring them like that will result in the child being timid and insecure. He will always be afraid of something that is not to be feared.
3. Learn how to deal with their anger
The effective way to deal with anger is to give them something that they want. But it can’t be done just like that, it may because they grow up to be spoiled and assume all wishes can be fulfilled easily with just crying. Give them something that they want can be useful occasionally.
To control the child's emotional outbursts because want something is to do therapy in the form of the game count. Parents are encouraged to invite to count 1 to 10 before giving something to children. Habits like this will exercise patience when the child wants something.
4. Psychologist’s help.
Children have a natural sensitivity. If the sensitivity of the child exceeds the threshold, parents should not ignore this. Maybe that is a symptom of a serious problem of your child's psychological condition. Make observations on the behavior of your child at home and behavior while playing with friends. If he always develops irritable and sensitive attitude excessive, then your child should be referred to a child psychologist to deal with further treatment.
